Mom, can I have some ice cream? Mommy can I have more brownies? Can we go to Israel for winter break? Can I have a sleepover tonight? As a parent I field questions all day long. Some reasonable. Some not so reasonable. Fielding all of these questions - and responding to them - is just part of the territory of being a parent. Children are not shy, and they will happily ask and ask and then ask again. Children are persistent - and you know what, sometimes it pays off. If you are like me, then your kids have certainly been successful at acquiring more toys than needed, extra desserts and so on. Some people might call that spoiling your kids but my theory is that they are my children and I have the right to give in to their requests. While it is quiet in my house at the moment (the question askers are still sleeping!) soon my house will be abuzz as we race around and get ready for Rosh Hashanah - the Jewish New Year. Tonight we will dip an apple in honey, tomorrow we will sing Avinu Malkeinu. We will call out to Hashem as our Father and King and ask for a good and sweet year. My dear friends, let us each remember that Hashem is our Father, and cares deeply about each and every one of us! I am going to take my cue from my children and ask and then ask for some more. While we are contemplating our choices that may have not been the greatest and while we are promising to change our ways, let us also beg Hashem to open His treasure trove of blessings and shower them upon us. My children are not too shy to ask for what they want and in turn I am not too shy to ask of Hashem to bestow us with a wonderful year filled with health and happiness. When dipping the apple in the honey we can note that honey is a type of preservative. We are asking that Hashem give us happiness that is coated in honey so that we may have lasting sweetness. As we wave goodbye to the year 5775 and welcome in 5776 please join me in asking Hashem for health, wealth and happines - and time to enjoy it! Let us also ask Him, as His children, to put an end to all pain and suffering and send us the ultimate, lasting sweetness with the coming of Moshiach speedily in our days! Shana Tova!
In keeping with the theme of sweetness, here is a new chicken recipe I tried out recently - my kids loved it! (Thanks to my cousin Bluma for the inspiration for this one.) My apologies that I don't have any measurements for this one.
Apricot Brown Sugar Chicken
Bone in chicken
Dried chopped onion flakes
Olive Oil
Apricot preserves
Brown sugar
Soy sauce
Set your oven to 375 degrees. Place chicken in a pan and sprinkle with salt, pepper, garlic, chopped onion and paprika. Then drizzle olive oil on the chicken. In a bowl, mix the apricot preserves, brown sugar and soy sauce together well. Spread the sauce over the chicken and then turn chicken over to bake skin side down and covered. When chicken has almost reached your desired level of doneness, turn chicken back over and bake uncovered until it is nicely crisped and colored. Enjoy!!