Friday, February 11, 2011

Chicken Soup For the Jewish Soul

There is something to be said for chicken soup. It is truly a comforting food, and I would venture to say a staple in the realm of Kosher cooking. We eat it on Shabbat, we eat on holidays, and there is nothing like chicken soup to help you feel better when you are under the weather.

My kids love having Matzah balls in their chicken soup. Many people prefer rice or noodles. If you are in Israel (or at least want to feel like you are) you pour in a whole bunch of those yellow and crunchy mini croutons (in Israel they call them "shkeiday marak" - soup nuts).

No matter what your preference for soup accompaniments - we can all agree that chicken soup is good for body and soul.

While I have a busy day of Shabbat preparations ahead of me, I am really looking forward to Shabbat. I look forward to lighting my Shabbat candles and filling my home with peace. I look forward to saying Hamotzi and enjoying my freshly baked Challah. I look forward to the lively conversations which will take place around my Shabbat table with family and friends, and most of all I look forward to that piping hot bowl of chicken soup and Matzah balls!

Here's to hoping your Shabbat is filled with peace and warmth - and maybe even some chicken soup!

Shabbat Shalom!

Side note, if you would like to come taste my chicken soup - mark your calendar for Monday, February 21 ~ 7:15 PM at Chabad House. We are having an evening titled, "Chicken Soup for the Jewish Soul" - it will be a delicious night of inspiration, wit and wisdom to warm your soul. It will be led by guest speaker Chaya Teldon who is will be visiting us from NY. Along with enjoying a delicious dinner, (including the chicken soup & all of its accompaniments) Chaya will make you laugh, cry and certainly warm your soul.

Traditional Chicken Soup
1 chicken
10 carrots
3 parsnips
2 turnips
4 large onions
6 celery stalks
1 zucchini
garlic powder
dill weed
Place all ingredients in a large pot. Add enough water to cover all of the chicken and vegetables. Sprinkle in spices. Bring soup to a boil and then lower flame and allow soup to cook until it is a pretty orange color.

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