Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Patty Pan Squash

Those of us living in Norfolk, VA are no strangers to storms, but the storm that blew through here yesterday seemed to really mean business. Within minutes of the sky turning grey (black?), rain started pounding on our house, the wind started howling and then before I  knew big hail was falling from the sky. Looking out of my window I watched my neighbor's big trash cans swim across the street and then  manage to be blown halfway up their lawn. The noise in my house was super loud and my kids were starting to get super nervous.

Thank G-d the storm blew past us and we only had a few branches fall from our trees. Other areas weren't so lucky, with downed trees and widespread power outages. 

This morning my phone rang at 6:30. I couldn't figure out who would be calling me so early in the morning. I picked up and quickly found out that my kids' school had no power - and that they weren't going to school.

So what to do on a beautifully sunny, no school day? I called a friend and we gathered our kids and headed out to Pungo to go strawberry picking. The kids were thrilled to take their buckets and start picking strawberries.  After baking in the sun and collecting the beautiful red treats for quite some time we headed to the farmer's market to pay. 

While the strawberries were being weighed, I decided to check out the rest of the produce being sold. I came upon a pile of beautiful looking Patty Pan squash that I purchased for dinner.

Once home I gave the squash a good scrubbing and turned them into a delicious side. A little perk - my kids loved the shape of these squash and were excited to try them - and then they loved the way it tasted!

Patty Pan Squash

3 yellow patty pan squash
3 white patty pan squash
Canola oil
Dried sage

Pre-heat oven to 425. Wash squash and slice any way you like. Place in an oven safe dish and drizzle some oil into the dish. Sprinkle with salt, pepper, garlic and dried sage and mix well. Place in the oven and mix every so often. Remove when the squash very soft. 

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