Friday, March 30, 2018

The Lesson Of The Matzah

Pesach is almost here! After all the preparation it is finally time to celebrate our freedom!

I wrote this up to be delivered with some Matzah deliveries...and thought I would share!

In just a few hours we will sit with our family and friends drinking four cups of wine, retelling the miraculous story of our freedom from slavery, enjoying a delicious holiday meal and crunching on our flat and brittle Matzah. Eating Matzah is a main part of the Seder and teaches us an important life lesson at the same time!

Matzah is known as the “bread of faith”. When our nation was still enslaved in Egypt, G-d commanded them to eat Matzah to celebrate their freedom each year. The Jewish people needed to take a leap of faith and observe the eating of the Matzah - even before their freedom arrived. They needed to realize that their future - and freedom - was in the hands of G-d. They needed to relinquish control, let go and accept that Hashem had their best interests in mind.

Each Pesach when we eat our Matzah, we can reflect on our lives, our hopes, our aspirations and work to strengthen our faith in G-d. We can resolve to do our best but at the same time realize that the key to our success is in the hands of Hashem - and recognize the beauty in allowing G-d to help us reach our goals and rise to meet our challenges.

May it be the will of Hashem that we merit to eat our Matzah together with our Jewish brothers and sisters in the holy city of Jerusalem with the coming of Moshiach.

And now for a recipe...

My favorite salad dressing is this avocado dressing.  While we won't be making it for the Seders, it will make an appearance later on in the holiday! (Credit to my cousin Rashi Marcus who shared this recipe with me.)

Avocado Dressing (adapted for Pesach)

1 avocado
1.5 tsp salt
1/4cup lemon juice
1/2 cup olive oil
1/2 cup sugar 
3 cloves garlic 

Blend together in a food processor. Cover tightly in the fridge to keep from turning brown. Enjoy!

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