Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Churros Waffles

As is tradition, my family, and members of the community, gathered at the Chabad House about two hours before Pesach ended to take part in the "Moshiach Seudah". Each year we drink four more cups of wine (really!!), eat our last bits of Matzah, enjoy some more food, sing moving Chassidic tunes and share words of inspiration - just as Pesach is getting ready to end. I sat there enjoying the time with my family and then suddenly Pesach came to an end. The room came turned to hustle and bustle as everyone gathered their children, their strollers, their jackets and more. As everyone turned to leave I got a bit sad as a I realized that the next day my family would all be returning to their respective homes. As I started to say goodbye to one of my sisters in law, I suddenly blurted out, "I have an idea! How about I make chametz breakfast for everyone tomorrow morning?" She loved the idea, as did everyone else standing around.

I went home thrilled with my plan to host everyone in the morning before they would leave to their respective homes. I did a quick calculation and realized I had invited 30 people to come join me for breakfast :) I set into motion, making a menu and running to the grocery store to stock up for the clan! The next morning I got up bright and early and worked on scrambled eggs, shakshuka, salad, and toast and best of all churros waffles topped with whip cream and strawberries! 

I used 3 giant frying pans and 2 large electric skillets, more than 75 eggs, and lots and lots of other kitchen tools to make the magic happen - but it was worth it. The REAL magic was in the hosting. Observing everyone eating and enjoying each other's company before heading out was truly magical. I also was overcome with an incredible feeling of gratitude for the many blessings Hashem has bestowed upon my family. As I looked at the long row of chairs and tables filling my dining room and living room, marveled at the ability to easily pull off a meal for a crowd and at the amount of food I was able to share with my family I felt an extra measure of thanks to G-d. 

As the gathering ended we wished each other farewell and voiced our hopes to be able to gather once again for happy occasions in the near future! 

Now for the recipe....I made Churros Waffles from the Real Life Kosher Cooking cookbook by Miriam Pascal. This cookbook has quickly become a favorite in my kitchen. These waffles were incredible and everyone really loved them! 

Churros Waffles 

2 cups flour 
1/3 cup brown sugar
1 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 cup water (cookbook calls for soymilk) 
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
4 eggs
3/4 cup oil

Cinnamon-Sugar mixture

Whip and berries for topping

Mix together flour, brown sugar, baking powder and salt. Add water, vanilla, eggs and oil. Mix well. Prepare waffles per directions for your waffle iron. 

When ready, remove waffles and place on a tray. Spray waffles with cooking spray and then sprinkle with cinnamon-sugar mixture. Flip waffles over and repeat. I put my mountain of waffles in the oven on 175 to keep warm until it was time to serve them. Delicious! Enjoy! 

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