Sunday, October 23, 2011

Simchat Torah

I don't know about you, but I love Simchat Torah. It is such a lively and joyous holiday! Amidst all of the singing and dancing, I managed to do some thinking as I watched our holiday unfold. are some of my thoughts.

 I absolutely LOVED watching our Chabad House fill with people this past Thursday night. I loved seeing people who I see all the time, I loved seeing people who I only see a few times a year and I certainly loved meeting new people for the first time as they came to celebrate with the Torahs. After a delicious dinner, the children headed to a separate room for a cool magic show, while the adults got the Hakafot (dancing around the Bima with the Torahs) started. When the magic show was done, all of the kids lined up and marched into the Shul singing "Hashem Is Here" - it was a beautiful sight! I couldn't stop watching as the children sang and danced with our beloved Torahs - for it is the children who will make sure that the Torah and our traditions, are passed on from one generation to the next.

Later in the evening, we said a L'chaim for the safe return of Gilad Shalit, a L'chaim for all of the souls of those who have been lost in senseless acts of terror in Israel and of course we voiced our wishes that Hashem will protect our special land, even with the release of so many terrorists. Then we danced and danced as we dedicated the Hakafah to Gilad and all of Israel  - the energy in the room was kind of surreal.

Throughout Hakafot, something came over me each and every time I saw someone dance by with a Torah. Watching as our Torahs were held with such love and care. I couldn't help but feel an amazing sense of Jewish pride. I had this incredible feeling of how wonderful it is that for thousands of years our nation has held onto our Torah.

On Simchat Torah we read the last part of the Torah, and then we immediately start the cycle all over again - as the study of Torah truly never ends. As we said, Chazak, Chazak when we completed the Torah - I thanked Hashem that we have completed the cycle of the Torah once more...and when we started with Breishit, I looked forward at the coming year and all of the opportunities that will come along with it.

Along with all of the singing and dancing and being sentimental (it happens to me sometimes!), we also did our fair share of eating - sometimes it seems this is what we do best:) At our big Simchat Torah party on Thursday night we served a grand buffet, including a mexican style corn salad - here is the recipe.

Mexican Style Corn Salad

2 cans of corn
1 can black beans
1 small can sliced black olives
1 red pepper, diced
1 red onion, diced
Canola oil
Rice vinegar
Lemon juice
Black pepper
Granulated garlic
A little bit of sugar if you would like

Drain the cans of corn, beans and olives and place in a bowl. Add diced pepper and onion. Season with canola oil, rice vinegar, a splash of lemon juice, salt, black pepper, granulated garlic and cumin (and a bit of sugar if you please). Mix and allow to sit for a little while to allow the flavors to mingle. Enjoy!

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