Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Recipe For Smiles

I am fully aware that this is a food blog - however today I will go with a recipe of another kind, a recipe for smiles.

When an idea falls into my head, I have a very hard time ignoring it. Recently a new Chanukah concept lit up like a light bulb in my brain, and I knew I had to run with it. My brain moved into overdrive and the "Chanukah Party Bus" was born. 

The concept in reality was quite simple; fill a bus with kids, take the kids to bring Chanukah cheer to local seniors AND make the bus ride a cool Chanukah party. 

I quickly lined up three assisted living facilities who were more than thrilled for us to bring children in for a Chanukah celebration. I then started spreading the word, and it took off like wildfire.

In the days leading up to the event I worked on getting the "party" part in place and took the opportunity to help the last few seats on the bus get filled.

Nothing could prepare me for the awesome experience it was. It is hard to describe boarding a bus filled with excited children (and their parents) with smiles beaming from ear to ear. To listen to so many voices singing Chanukah songs as the bus pulled away from Chabad House was awesome. After singing a few songs and taking part in a lively Q & A session with Rabbi Levi, we were already at our first destination. 

The seniors were THRILLED with the arrival of the children, and the kids looked so happy to be there.  At each of our three stops we lit the Menorah, sang a few songs, danced and gave out doughnuts and chocolate gelt to the residents.

On the bus, the party rocked on. A big puppet made an appearance as the story of Chanukah was told, a cool Chanukah movie was presented on the video screens, we played an exciting game where each side of the bus had to be the first to pass certain items to the front of the bus, we cheered and we sang. 

I loved watching as the children's eyes grew with amazement when I began to hand out giant chocolate coins, and I loved seeing the joy in their eyes as they received a dreidel bubble necklace at the end of the ride. 

Most of all, I loved that with one simple bus, we were able to bring Chanukah smiles to people of all ages. I loved watching the sweetness in the children as they went around to pass out chocolate gelt to the seniors we met. I loved seeing the shining eyes of the residents at each stop as they watched the next generation continue with the traditions of Chanukah. 

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