Thursday, February 9, 2012

Pineapple Salsa

Wow! It has been ages since I have posted a "recipe". I have certainly thought about posting many times, and I have even sat in front of my computer to type...but each time something got in my way. So today I will post a recipe that I had planned on writing about two weeks ago.

While deciding what to make for dinner I noticed a lonely pineapple sitting in my spare fridge in  my garage. (I had bought the pineapple because I was certain I would cut it up and eat it - but of course it got totally forgotten about. This happens to things in everyone's refrigerators - right??) So I decided that the pineapple would be lonely no more and would star in that night's dinner. (Luckily only a tiny part of the pineapple needed to be cut off and discarded from its long life in my fridge.) I quickly cut that pineapple up into little pieces, added some fresh Italian flat leaf parsley, diced a red pepper and a red onion - added some seasoning and presto - pineapple salsa!  I placed the salsa in the fridge so the flavors could mingle (looks like people don't have a monopoly on the mingling) and headed to the fish store where I purchased super fresh salmon.  I baked the salmon with very light seasoning and then served it with the salsa - delicious!   Who knew that healthy food could be soooo easy AND delicious!!

Pineapple Salsa

Red bell pepper
Red onion
Italian flat leaf parsley
Rice vinegar
Lime juice
A tiny bit of cumin

Dice up the pineapple, red pepper, onion and parsley and place in a bowl. Season with rice vinegar, lime juice, garlic, salt and a little bit of cumin. Place in the refrigerator to allow the flavors to blend. Serve with chicken, fish or anything that makes you happy!

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