Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Honey-Soy Sauce Salmon

Last week my hubby and I went on a little date to paint pottery. (If you have ever been to my kitchen you know that I love painting bowls and plates to use in my kitchen - so much so that I don't really have any space left for new additions to the collection!) As I do each time I paint pottery, I picked out my piece, placed it on the table and then did a little staring at it, trying to visualize what I could do with the plain white plate.

Yesterday I rinsed the salmon fillets we were going to have for dinner and then placed them in a glass dish. The next thing I knew I found myself staring at the fish as if it were a blank canvas, trying to decide how to  "design" our dinner. It occurred to me then that at times cooking feels like an art. When I paint I need to decide on colors, shapes and shades. When I cook I need to choose flavors and textures. After contemplating my salmon for a few minutes I gathered some honey, soy sauce, fresh garlic, black pepper, lime juice and ground ginger. I mixed it all together and a short while later we had a great salmon dish.

(Sorry this time I didn't really measure anything, so here is my best guess.)

Honey-Soy Sauce Salmon

Salmon fillets
a few tablespoons honey
a few tablespoons soy sauce
a few cloves of garlic - minced
a few sprinkles of black pepper
a few sprinkles of ground ginger
a splash of lime juice

Pre heat oven to 385. Rinse and place salmon in a glass baking dish. Mix remaining ingredients together in a bowl. Pour mixture over the salmon. Take a spoon and spoon some more of the sauce onto the fish. Place in oven uncovered and bake for about 15-20 minutes. When the salmon is cooked it will flake easily with a fork. Spoon additional sauce from the dish onto the fish and serve.

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