Sunday, July 24, 2011

Three Years Later...

This past week marked three years since the day that darkness descended on the Chabad House in Mumbai, India. Though I never met Gavi and Rivky HY"D, I felt like I knew them - and their absence was sorely felt. While darkness entered the world that day - it only brought forth an abundance of light, with the addition of more and more Mitzvot by individuals around the globe.

The post below was written a few months back - and somehow never got posted. Now seemed like a good time to post..

The birth of a child is always a special occasion. Two weeks ago my friends Hallie and Yehoshua  were blessed with a beautiful baby boy. 

Last Sunday the Chabad House was filled with family and friends who came to celebrate with them at their son's Bris. Of course like everyone else in the room I was curious to know which name had been chosen for this little cutie.

When his name, Gavriel Noach, was announced, I was a little surprised to feel my eyes well up with tears. I was totally moved and turned to Hallie and said, "I love the name, good choice!" (as if they need my approval) ;)

I was so taken by this little boy's name because he was named for the incredible Shliach (Chabad emissary) who was tragically killed in Mumbai, India. The baby's father explained that they wanted their son to grow up in the footsteps of this wonderful Shliach. He continued that they wanted their son to evolve into someone who would do his best to help fellow Jews get in touch with their special roots, just as Gavriel and Rivky Holtzberg did - and as Chabad Shluchim around the globe continue to do.

I am truly excited to watch little Gavriel Noach as he grows up and it is my wish for Hallie and Yehoshua that they get much nachas from their little boy.

So of course being that this is a food blog I will share a recipe:)

As part of the menu we served egg salad. I wasn't actually the one who made the egg salad as I was busy putting together flowers in vases, but I will share my recipe for delicious (I think!) egg salad.

Rashi's Egg Salad

Hard boiled eggs (boiled to the perfect yellow color)
Black pepper
Garlic powder
Onion powder

This is how I boil eggs.
Place eggs in a pot and cover with cold water. Place the lid on the pot. Place on stove with burner turned to high. When the water starts to boil, remove the pot from the fire and let sit covered for 15 minutes. At 15 minutes, rinse eggs in cold running water for a couple of minutes to stop them from continuing to cook. 

Peel eggs (it is much easier to do right after they are cooked) and place in a bowl. Mash eggs (I usually put on gloves and mush the eggs with my hands.) Mix in some mayonnaise (I actually make my own - but that is for another day!) - I try not to put too much mayo (I feel that the mashed eggs shouldn't be swallowed up by the mayonnaise and lose their identity.) Season with salt, pepper, garlic and onion powder. 

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