Thursday, September 1, 2011

Birthday Pancakes!

We LOVE to celebrate birthdays in our family! Today is a big day in our family - as it is Shalom's 6th birthday! I can barely believe that my little boy is now on to his "second hand of fingers" and is already in first grade! Seems that when you aren't looking, time starts to fly. To celebrate Shalom's birthday we had grandparents, uncles and some family friends over for a BBQ dinner last night. After dinner I decided that the celebration would continue in the morning. (Jewish birthdays are cool as you get to celebrate at night, and then the next day too!)

I woke up super early once again this week in order to create a breakfast pancake party! My kids were thrilled to come down the stairs and find pancakes in the making! Shalom was extra excited to find that I had made him a number 6 pancake in honor of his special day:)

In honor of Shalom's Jewish birthday I am posting my pancake recipe (it is pareve as you might imagine). We love pancakes and sometimes even eat them for dinner (gasp!). Here's to hoping you enjoy these pancakes as much as we do!


2 cups flour
4 tsps. baking powder
1 cup sugar
2 eggs
1 cup orange juice
1 cup water
2 1/2 tbsps oil
A sprinkle of vanilla extract

Mix all of the ingredients together in a bowl (I use a fork). It is ok if the batter is a little lumpy. (I use my Cuisinart Griddler with the griddle plates to make my pancakes - this way I don't need to use oil to fry them.) Using a small ladle, drop pancake batter onto the griddle (set to about 325). When you see bubbles forming it means that it is time to flip your pancakes. Pancakes should be a light, golden brown when they are done.
Serve with your favorite syrup and enjoy!

PS: I have taken leftover pancakes and put them in the freezer - they taste yummy frozen or could be warmed up in the microwave!

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